Recently, the government plans to increase the tourist fare to the top of Borobudur Temple to Rp. 750 thousand. This step is allegedly due to the maintenance of the largest Buddhist site in the world owned by Indonesia. As for the limitation of the quota of 1,200 people per day who go up to the temple, it is really necessary to save the site.
Well , who among Kawanjo hasn’t had the chance to come here yet? There used to be a scene, Kawanjo. Many say that the location of the Borobudur Temple is in Yogyakarta, in fact it is in Magelang. Okay, forget about the geographical problem of this interesting tourist attraction that was built in the seventh century. Pigijo just wanted to convey that there are many exciting things if you decide to take a trip to Borobudur Temple.
His name is also going on a trip, so you have to explore it , don’t just rely on the Borobudur Temple, when in fact there are lots of other exciting trip places. So that I’m not curious, I’ll check out some of Pigijo’s selected Borobudur tourist destinations.
1. Trip to the Giant Ocean Ship Museum

This is the Kawanjo maritime museum. This giant ocean museum is located only a few hundred meters north of Borobudur Temple. In other words, the position of this tourist destination is still in the Borobudur Archaeological Park area, Magelang, Central Java. Here you can learn a lot about traditional ship technology and its history in the past.
One of them is the legendary wooden ship that was inspired by the reliefs of Borobudur. This ship started its expedition on August 15, 2003. From Ancol and ended on February 23, 2004 at Tema Harbor, Accra, Ghana, West Africa.
2. Trip to Gusbi (Unique Gallery and Art of Borobudur Indonesia)

After the trip and see the splendor of the Borobudur temple, Kawanjo don’t forget to stop by Gusbi. In this Unique Gallery and Art of Borobudur Indonesia, Kawanjo can find historical items, charming paintings, and ancient objects. One of the most unique is the small Buddha statue made of gold. There is also the shortest man from Magelang.
3. Tour Borobudur by Elephant

The Borobudur area is indeed wide, my friend. Apart from having mini train facilities for tours around Borobudur, it turns out that there are elephants too. In the Borobudur area, elephant rental is also provided for tourists to ride. That way, you won’t be too tired exploring Borobudur in the hot sun.
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4. Sunrise Hunting Tour Package Trip

Eits, many people often go to Borobudur Temple but few also hunt for sunrise here. For the price, it’s pretty decent, Kawanjo, but Pigijo guarantees you won’t forget it. The sunrise here is between Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu. The fog, the cool air and the quiet and serene atmosphere further add to the enjoyment of hunting for the sunrise from the top of the Borobudur Temple.
5. Exploring the Beauty of the Tourist Village

Tourist village, about this term you will hear, especially in the world of Indonesian tourism. This tourist village is one of the programs being boosted by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in order to re-boost the passion of the tourism world. Speaking of tourist villages, in Borobudur there is also Kawanjo. Around the Borobudur area there are tourist villages that have their own uniqueness.
Some of the tourist villages there include the village of Tanjung Sari and the village of Wanurejo. Here, the village atmosphere is very thick, plus the original culture as well as the scenery is very charming in Kawanjo’s heart. How exciting is it to go to Borobudur?
For friends who want to go on a trip to Borobudur or other tourist destinations, you can check out the tour packages here . Don’t forget to stick to the health protocol, because right now we are still side by side with the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Stay safe everyone!
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